22. Kambrath G.K., Kulkarni Gayatri, Patade S., Samanta S., Jaya Rao Y., Murugavel P., Sandeep J., Prabhakaran Thara, Pathways of ice multiplication in nimbostratus clouds during the Indian summer monsoon, Atmospheric Research, 309: 107590, October 2024, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107590, 1-13
21. Prasad P., Aravindhavel A., Gayatri K., Mehta S.K., Jaya Rao Y., Purushotham P., Kakkanattu S.P., Solanki R., Gupta Abhishek, Bankar S., Dixit S.A., Prabhakaran Thara, Atmospheric boundary layer height over a rain-shadow region: An intercomparison of multi-observations and model simulations, Atmospheric Research, 309: 107566, October 2024, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107566, 1-17
20. Solanki R., Jaya Rao Y., Malap N., Prasad P., Prabhakaran Thara, Eddy dissipation rates in the dryline boundary layer, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Online, October 2023, DOI:10.1007/s10652-023-09954-w, 1-14
19. Konwar M., Raut B.A., Jayarao Y., Prabhakaran Thara, Rain microphysical properties over the rain shadow region of India, Atmospheric Research, 275: 106224, September 2022, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106224
18. Jayachandran V., Bera S., Bankar S.P., Malap N., Varghese M., Safai P.D., Konwar M. Todekar K.S., Jaya Rao Y., Murugavel P., Prabhakaran Thara, Hygroscopic growth and CCN activation of aerosols during Indian Summer Monsoon over a rain-shadow region, Atmospheric Research, 267: 105976, April 2022, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105976, 1-13
17. Samanta S., Murugavel P., Gurnule D., Jaya Rao Y., Vivekanandan J., Prabhakaran Thara, The Life Cycle of a Stationary Cloud Cluster during the Indian Summer Monsoon: A Microphysical Investigation Using Polarimetric C-Band Radar, Monthly Weather Review, 149, November 2021, DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-20-0274.1, 3761-3780
16. Mathew T.A., Malap N. , Manoj M.G., Jayarao Y., Todekar K., Rakesh V , Rebello R., Mohankumar K. , Prabhakaran Thara, Pre-monsoon convective events and thermodynamic features of southwest monsoon onset over Kerala, India – A case study, Atmospheric Research, 248: 105218, January 2021, DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105218, 1-12
15. Varghese M., Leena P.P., Murugavel P., Bankar S., Todekar K., Chowdhuri S., Safai P.D., Malap N., Konwar M., Dixit S., Jaya Rao Y., Prabhakaran Thara, New particle formation observed from a rain shadow region of the Western Ghats, India, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 102, July 2020, DOI: 10.1080/02772248.2020.1789134, 305-333
14. Jayachandran V.N., Varghese M., Murugavel P., Todekar K.S., Bankar S.P., Malap N., Gurnule D., Safai P.D., Jaya Rao, Konwar M., Dixit S., Prabhakaran Thara, Cloud condensation nuclei characteristics during the Indian summer monsoon over a rain-shadow region, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, June 2020, DOI:10.5194/acp-20-7307-2020, 7307–7334
13. Samanta S., Kulkarni G., Murugavel P., Balaji B., Malap N., Jaya Rao Y., Deshpande S.M., Sonbawne S.M., Suneetha P., Prabhakaran Thara, Case study of a convective cluster over the rain shadow region of Western Ghats using Multi-platform Observations and WRF Model, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 177, June 2020, DOI:10.1007/s00024-019-02360-8, 2931-2957
12. Varghese M., Prabhakaran Thara, Murugavel P., Anu A. S., Resmi E. A., Dinesh G., Jaya Rao Y., Nagare B., Safai P. D., Nair Sathy, K. Nandakumar, Vishnu R., Bhavani Kumar Y.,, Aerosol and cloud droplet characteristics over Ganges Valley during break phase of monsoon: A case study, Atmospheric Research, 220, May 2019,DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.01.013, 125-140
11. Balaji B., Prabhakaran Thara, Jaya Rao Y., Kiran T., Dinesh G., Chakravarty Kaustav, Sonbawne S.M., Rajeevan M.,, Potential of collocated radiometer and wind profiler observations for monsoon studies, Atmospheric Research, 194, September 2017,DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.04.023, 17-26
10. Ghude S.D., Bhat G.S., Prabhakaran Thara, Jenamani R.K., Chate D.M., Safai P.D., Karipot A.K., Konwar M., Pithani P., Sinha V., Rao P.S.P., Dixit S.A., Tiwari S., Todekar K., Varpe S., Srivastava A.K., Bisht D.S., Murugavel P., Ali K., Mina U., Dharua M., Jaya Rao Y., Padmakumari B., Hazra A., Nigam N., Shende U., Lal D.M., et.al., Acharja P., Kulkarni R., Subharthi C., Balaji B., Varghese M., Ber,, Winter fog experiment over the Indo-Gangetic plains of India, Current Science, 112, February 2017,DOI:10.18520/cs/v112/i04/767-784,767-784
9. Devara P.C.S., Jaya Rao Y., Sonbawne S.M., Manoj M.G., Dani K.K., Saha S.K.,, First results of compact coherent Doppler wind lidar and its validation at IITM, Pune, India, Meteorological Applications, 22, April 2015,DOI:10.1002/met.1428, 156-164
8. Manoj M.G., Devara P.C.S., Jaya Rao Y., Sonbawne S.M.,, Lidar investigation of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions over a tropical monsoon environment: Recharging of atmosphere, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 93, February 2013,DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2012.10.009, 80-86
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2. Jaya Rao Y. and Jain A.R.,, Oscillations of tropical tropopause during passage of atmospheric waves, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, 29, 2000,203-209
1. Jain A.R., Jaya Rao Y., Patra A.K., Rao P.D., Viswanathan G. and Subramanian S.K.,, Observations of tropical convection events using Indian MST radar first results, Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, 126, 2000,3097-3115